Faith Church International
600 The Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554

With Bishop Bart Pierce

Bishop Bart Pierce serves as the Senior Pastor of Rock City Church in Baltimore, Maryland. He and his wife, Coralee, have been married since 1970 and have three children and seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Bishop and his wife have a calling to express the reality of God’s Kingdom through compassion ministries. For over fifty years it has been their heart to reach out to the lost and hurting, which they have done by pioneering the Ministry of Compassion (MOC) to help the hungry, the drug addicted, and individuals in crisis. Over the years he has helped over 14,000 men get back on their feet through the Nehemiah House, Inc. ministry. He has recently begun a new Nehemiah House Re-Entry program for ex-offenders to gain skills to re-enter society with better life skills and guaranteed employment, so they become contributing members of society. Through his Can Can Make a Difference (CCMAD) food ministry, over 64,000 people are fed a month. The Hiding Place, a home for un-wed mothers has had over 1,400 babies born to mothers in crisis who otherwise would have terminated their pregnancy due to unstable living conditions. Through his compassion network, $1.2 Billion worth of goods were sent to Louisiana for relief during Hurricane Katrina. In fact, the two tractor trailers sent were the first to arrive on the scene in New Orleans and provided aid, even before FEMA. The compassion network has supplied millions of pounds of relief to several cities and states during major storms such as Hurricane Rita and Hurricane Sandy. Compassion Commission an annual youth conference held at Rock City Church is celebrating its 22nd year of giving a rebuilt home by teens from around the country to a Baltimore City Veteran who has never owned a home for free. This home is fully renovated with all new infrastructure and all new appliances and fixtures. The Compassion conference takes hundreds of young kids each year and teaches them how to love God and love others by doing acts of compassion around the city of Baltimore Md.

Bishop Pierce is passionate about seeing current and future generations realize their purpose and pursue their destiny. Bishop Pierce founded the Cromwell Christian College formerly known as Cromwell Christian School of Ministry, an Intensive Training School for people who believe they have a call of God on their lives. He has been involved in Christian Education for over 5 decades, overseeing Pre-K through 12th grade. He is currently the President of Rock Church Academy of Baltimore and provides guidance to pastors seeking to start Christian Education programs of their own. He recently closed on a 42,000 sq-foot facility taking back property that he originally built and sold, that will now serve as a training center for the Cromwell Christian College, Rock Church Academy upper-grades, and the Nehemiah House Re-Rntry. Lastly, he serves as President of both Camp Rock, a top-rated summer camp and Christian Youth Athletics, a community youth sports league.

Bishop Pierce provides apostolic oversight to 163 churches in the US and around the world through the Rock City Church Fellowship including Center City Church, PA; City Blessing Church, CA; Living Word Ministries Christian Center, NJ. The International Churches include Rock Church of Madagascar; Rock Church of Ghana; City Blessing Churches of Indonesia; and Oasis Church in Eleuthera, Bahamas. He has a passion for seeing the Body of Christ unite for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Bishop Pierce also works to promote unity in the City of Baltimore and is a founding member of Peace for the City, a coalition of area pastors that work together to pray, show unity, and impact the community of Baltimore. He is a mentor to pastors and leaders around the world.

Bishop Pierce has authored several books including, Seeking Our Brothers, Cover Me in The Day of Battle, The Bribe of Great Price, and The 5-G Shift. His latest book The Sent, The Removed and The Disqualified is a book written to be a training manual for Church leaders to effectively equip believers for the work of the ministry.