If so, we offer two opportunities:
- We can arrange a table-clothed display table in the sanctuary for your management of direct sales, or...
- We can manage the sale of your materials for you and provide you the proceeds at the end of the event. More specifically, we use the SQUARE UP register system. With advance notice, we can create a line item specific to your materials, oversee and display your materials in the lobby, ring sales up accordingly (taking cash, check, or credit card), then at the closure of the conference, we can tally your sales and provide you the proceeds. In doing so, we will assume the cost of all credit card transaction fees.
Our FCI Resource Store (in-house bookstore operation), we will be open and offering miscellaneous books, CDs/DVD, etc. materials. Our experience is that when a speaker recommends a specific book or material, we are often immediately asked for that material. Therefore, if you could please share with us prior to the event any material you intend to reference, we will ensure we have all necessary information to offer that material to the attendees.
To clarify, we are not generically asking for recommendations of materials to have on hand; rather we are asking if there is/are any specifically referenced recommendations you will be verbally mentioning which might prompt the attendees to desire to acquire it. Examples: “In John Maxwell’s book, The Self Aware Leader, he states...” or “Charles Spurgeon, in the book Spurgeon on Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, indicates...” or any such materials you will be mentioning.
To clarify, we are not generically asking for recommendations of materials to have on hand; rather we are asking if there is/are any specifically referenced recommendations you will be verbally mentioning which might prompt the attendees to desire to acquire it. Examples: “In John Maxwell’s book, The Self Aware Leader, he states...” or “Charles Spurgeon, in the book Spurgeon on Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, indicates...” or any such materials you will be mentioning.